Electronic invoicing. The moment has come!

Don't let your company fall behind.

Comply with new legislation and protect the environment with a simple low cost solution.

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DigitalSign has the first and only Portuguese wallet with blockchain approved by the European Commission

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New Product!

Digitally sign pdf files and other formats with DS Sign&Go without the need for licenses and other applications.

Don't miss the launch campaign!

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Qualified Service of Electronic Signature Validation

Find out whether or not the signature on a given electronic document is a qualified signature according to the eIDAS Regulation.

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Qualified Seal of Documents and Electronic Invoicing

Public Procurement

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Save time, money and be environmentally friendly

Guarantee the security of your organization documents with our eSeal solution.

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From governments to small and large companies across Europe

We provide critical e-signature solutions to support remote working

159€ + VAT
140€ + VAT
70€ + VAT
certificado qualificado de faturacao eletronica
59€ + VAT
Selos Temporais
89€ + VAT
105€ + VAT




Qual Escolher?

You do not know what the most appropriate type of certificate for yourself or your company?

Use the assistant

Express Service


Do you have urgency in issuing your Qualified Digital Certificate?

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Need Technical Support? To better serve you, we offer a ticket System.

Support Center

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Featured products

Electronic Invoicing

Electronic Invoicing

Ensures compliance with e-invoicing law, allowing you to easily sign and share your invoices.


Digital Signature Platform

Adopt electronic signatures with customers and partners with full legal value and great user experience.


Transversal solutions for all areas

We certify throughout Europe and Brazil

Mapa DigitalSign

Last News

Notícia 17 06 2024

DigitalSign was present at the 15th ENFHEX Conference in Stockholm-Sweden.

C 17-20 August 2024

Every 18 months, the European Network of Forensic Handwriting Experts (ENFHEX) organizes a conference with a scientific program that includes research and development...

Notícia 23 01 2023

SCB Wallet powered by DigitalSign was one of two winners of the SCB Innovation Hub 2023/24

C 14 June 2024

The 'SCB Innovation Hub' is a pioneering project in Portugal whose main objective is to offer incubation and development environments capable of hosting innovation projects...

Notícia 27 03 2023

European digital identity: Council and Parliament reach a provisional agreement on eID

C 8 November 2023

On November 8, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union provisionally approved the revision of the new eIDAS Regulation...

Notícia 25 01 2023

DigitalSign Celebrated the Expansion of its Office

C 30 September 2023

This new facility features a modern design, collaborative work areas, meeting rooms and an environment that promotes creativity and efficiency...
